Crossfire! 1.0 Single Player:Yup CO-OP:If you want Anarchy:NO KIDDING! Here is my second level for D2 this level is good for both single and multiplayer,this one has several large rooms good for Dogfighting.And what makes it harder is there almost pitch black! Also only ONE Headlight HA HA HA! Enjoy! Nathan "TAZ" Tencza P.S. Changed codename because someone else has the name "Paladin". DO NOT READ BELOW THIS LINE IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THE LEGAL INFO! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm being a good boy I used the humogo room in the follwing level,so here is his TXT file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arena 1! for Descent ][ This level was created by Bryan Duke. It's based on his Arena! for Descent (1), but has been re-textured & outfitted for Descent ][. Keeping with my head-to-head level design philosophy, this level is fairly simple with only a few main rooms and NO huge weapons. This keeps a head-to-head game moving at all times & creates a "dogfight" environment instead of a beyond visual range missle battle. Please enjoy this level & pass it around to everyone you know. If you need/want to contact me do it through email: (until June 1996) or (after May 1996) or.... look at my homepage later! -bryan duke (BDuke) * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.